Adult Choir
The Adult Choir is a dedicated ensemble of volunteer and professional voices. The choir sings at the 10:15am Sunday Mass, certain Holy Days, and Evensongs from September through May. Weekly rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30pm, and the choir warms-up 45 minutes before Mass begins. Prior singing experience is recommended.
The Summer Choir rehearses only on Sunday mornings at 9:30am and sings at the 10:15am Mass. All interested individuals with some music reading ability are welcome to join us. Sing just one Sunday or every Sunday–it’s up to you! The Summer Choir is a fun, relaxed way to become involved in Trinity’s music ministry. Please contact the Parish Office prior to singing the first time so that we can be prepared to welcome you.
For more information, please see the Choir Handbook.
Music Activities for Kids
Children’s Choir Camp 2025 — ages 5 through middle school
More details to come in the Spring of 2025!
Children’s Choir and Handbells — kindergarten through middle school
Singing & Handbells for ages 5-13. Rehearses on Wednesdays, August-May 4:30-5:15 pm. For information, contact Wayne Peterson (contact information below).
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Choral Evensongs, 2024-2025 Season, 5pm, Nave
Our Lady of Lourdes, 16 February
Our Lady of Fátima, 18 May